Saturday, October 25, 2008


A small layout like Gravel Road needs only a few pieces of rolling stock – as it would in real life.

There are two small diesels (ex-Queensland cane fields, and almost past their use-by dates) and several battered bogie skips for carrying the crushed gravel from quarry to staithes. There’s also a single bogie flat car, used on per-way maintenance (whenever that’s thought necessary –usually when derailments are more frequent than operating!)

The locos were hand-built years ago by a Queensland modeller; they roll on old Plymouth six-wheel chassis . . . rough, somewhat noisy, but reliable.

The the other items were out of my junk box. The gravel cars are former N-scale ore cars, stripped and repainted. The solebars have been widened to make them appear more narrow-gauge.

I also fitted them with InterMountain N-scale trucks.

The flat is an ancient whitemetal HOn2 ½ kit, also fitted with InterMountain trucks. I added strip timber planking and weathered it.

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